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Global Sustainability Project Bootcamps
Application Form

Please note that completing this application form will take approximately 10-15 minutes.​​​​​​

Personal Details

I confirm I am a student (or member)

Personal Email Address * (This email will be used to create your account. We recommend using a non-institutional email address that you will retain access to long-term.)

Institutional Email Address *

Enter your Student Number *

Preferred Name*

This could be a version of your name, a nickname that you use in professional settings, or a middle name that you prefer to be called instead of your first name. (It can also be the same as your first name.)

OPTIONAL: Please check any options that best represents your self-identity

We strive to create a program with diverse peoples and opinions, because to truly change the world for the better, everyone's perspective is important. You can view our commitment to equity and diversity on our main website.


How is this data use? This data is used by us – and any partnering institution you are affiliated with and applying through – to ensure diversity and equitable opportunities.


If you have any questions about the self-identity options, please see the definitions provided by the Government of Canada:

What does LGBTQ+ mean?

How are Employment Equity Groups defined?

Location & Time Zone

Where are you based?*

Please ONLY provide your City, State/Province and Country. Please do not share specific address information. We collect this information to help us understand your time zone and geographic context in the context of any programs you participate in.

Academic or Employment Details

Which institution (i.e. university/college, company or organisation) are you currently affiliated with?*

  • Please start by typing your institution's name in the top box to see if it is in our list already.

  • If you do not find it, then please type your institution’s name in second box.

  • If you are currently not affiliated with any institution, you can enter "unaffiliated".

Please select the closest match for your Faculty and Discipline from the dropdown menu and then specify the exact Faculty and Discipline in the designated text box, regardless of the dropdown selection.


[OPTIONAL] Please provide a link to your bio (or <100 words bio)

  • You are welcome to simply provide a link to your LinkedIn profile or similar online bio.

  • If you do not have an online profile, you can simply provide a couple of sentences here.

0 of 100 words

Statement of Interest

Provide provide a Statement of Interest explaining why you would like to participate in one of our Bootcamps *


Please keep your statement to <150 words.

In this statement, we encourage you to convey the follow:

  • Why and how do you feel your studies and/or future career would benefit from participating?

  • What passion, knowledge and/or experience you feel you would bring that would contribute to other participants?

  • Any other information you feel would be important for the selectors to appreciate.

0 of 150 words

Your Bootcamp Preferences

Before making you selections below, please click the button and carefully read the guidance provided in the box that opens (it is the same box as linked to the "Upcoming Bootcamp Dates" button on the previous info page).

Upcoming Bootcamps

Each row in this graphic is one Bootcamp​. The first column gives the dates for the three consecutive days of the Bootcamp; and the other columns show the timing of the daily synchronous sessions for that Bootcamp across multiple time zones.

Your Bootcamp Preferences

For each option below, please identify whether you PREFER, COULD or CANNOT attend the specific Bootcamp.
If/when your application is accepted, you will be offered the opportunity to participate in one of the options you indicate you PREFER to or COULD attend; with your PREFER options prioritised to the best of our ability.

Could not find any Bootcamp

[OPTIONAL] You are welcome share any reasoning behind your Scheduling Preferences

  • This can be useful when assigning you to specific Bootcamps. For example, if you are particularly interested in engaging with a given region of the world, that is useful information for us to have.

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Your Sustainability & Geography Interests

If/when you are invited to attend a Bootcamp, the information you share in this section is used to assign you to a Challenge and Team that aligns with your sustainability interests and passions.

Sustainability (social, economic & environmental)

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) do you feel are most aligned with your interests?

  • Your choices can reflect the sustainability issues you are most passionate about, and/or that you feel are most connected to your studies, expertise or career aspirations.

  • If you would like more information about UN SDGs, please visit:

Please choose at least six (6) goals – you are welcome to choose more (or even all).

Sustainable Development Goals

[OPTIONAL] Please share any details about your sustainability interests/passions you feel are relevant

  • This can be useful when assigning you to specific Challenges and Teams. For example, if you are particularly interested in specific aspects of climate change and an equitable energy transition, and/or in gender equality and education, this can be useful very information for us to have.

0 of 100 words


[OPTIONAL] Are there any regions of the world you are particularly interested in focusing on?

  • This can be useful when assigning you to specific Challenges.

  • While we will do our best to honour your regional preferences, please note that not every region will be represented in each Bootcamp. For this reason, we encourage you to identify all the regions you would be interested in engaging; and you are welcome to select all regions (or none) if you have no preference.

World Regions

[OPTIONAL] Please share any details about your location preferences that you feel are relevant

0 of 100 words

Financial Support

Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible with our programs; but please note that we can never guarantee that scholarships or other financial support will be available.

Confirmations • Time Commitment & Requirements

Global Business Student Changemaker program


The Global Business Student Changemaker program has two important components for you to engage:

  1. An intensive, multi-university and interdisciplinary Global Sustainability Project Bootcamp run by How to Change the World.

    • Please see below for the time commitment required for the Global Sustainability Project Bootcamp.

  2. A series of curated and highly interactive global virtual events exclusive to the Changemakers’ network and run by the Global Business School Network.

    • This series of events will be hosted across the program and you will have multiple options to participate.

    • While you are not required to participate in every event that is scheduled, you are highly encouraged to participate in as many events as you can so that you gain the most out of the program!

    • There will also be opportunities for Changemakers to request events and be part of organising events that are most interesting to you and your peers.

Global Sustainability Project Bootcamp

Our Global Sustainability Project Bootcamps are intensive team-based experiences. Each Bootcamp is a full-time (up to 8hrs/day) commitment, enabling you – and other learners in the program – to develop life-changing skills that makes you better prepared for today’s workforce, which also having direct positive impact through your work!

To ensure a high quality experience for all participants, we ask every participant to commit to full participation across the dates of the bootcamp. That includes both synchronous Bootcamp sessions and asynchronous preparation work.

Furthermore, we want to ensure every participant understands that all of our Bootcamps are delivered entirely online in order to enable all participants, teaching team, experts and community representatives to engage and work together from across globally diverse locations. Participants will be provided with all the virtual teamwork and collaboration tools they need to fully engage in the Bootcamp experience; however participants are responsible for ensuring they have a good computer (and ideally another mobile device or tablet) with a strong internet connection to participate in all the synchronous sessions of the Bootcamp.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email

Please confirm that you understand the required time commitment and virtual nature of our Bootcamps:

Privacy & Data Processing *

In order to provide you with an educational experience, we must collect and process a range of your data and information. We take the protection & privacy of that data very seriously, and you can see our Privacy Policy and our main website.

Receive information and updates (optional)



Do you have a preference of which Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) you will tackle during the program?

SDG-11 Sustainable Cities & Communites

SDG-13 Climate Action

Do you have a preference of geographic location of the Challenge you will tackle during the program?

No Preference



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